Go therefore and make disciples of all nations
Matthew 28:19
At the core of our philosophy of missions is that God has equipped the local church to meet the needs of its community and will enable the local church to send missionaries out into the world. We believe that the missionary's primary responsibility is to train up national / local leadership to lead the local church.

We have a long history of sending missionaries to foreign countries. The mission to give the Gospel to all nations is something that we take seriously. For almost as long as Berkley Community has been a church we have been sending and supporting missionaries to Africa, Asia, Oceania, South America and Europe. We also recognize that sometimes the farthest we have to look is in our own backyard, so Berkley Community also seeks to support local missionaries and ministries.
Missionary Partnerships
Click on the button to learn more about each of the missionaries Berkley supports

Ev & Jan Dow
Avant Ministries (retired)

Joel & Michelle Swai
Christian Missionary Fellowship International

Nancy Hagberg
Wycliffe Bible Translators / Summer Institute of Linguistics (SIL)

Roy Watson
Berkley Community Church

Eric & Melissa Lundquist
The Evangelical Alliance Mission (TEAM)
Andrew Phillips
SEND International

Community Health Evangelism (CHE)
Berkley has a partnership with a missionary who is based in Thailand and works in Thailand, Burma, Sri Lanka, and Cambodia to plant churches, develop communities, alleviate poverty and ultimately transform lives by leading people to become followers of Jesus.

Nelson & Megan Mugarula
Christian Missionary Fellowship International

Dale & Vicky Bishop
Detroit Youth for Christ

Other Countries
Berkley also supports missionaries who are in parts of the world that are not hospitable for missionaries. We do not include information about them here for security reasons.
Ministry Partnerships

Operation Christmas Child
Berkley started partnering with Samaritan's Purse: Operation Christmas Child about 10 years ago. We have organized trips to the Processing Centers and well as continue to be a collection site for shoeboxes every year.
The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations.
The mission of Operation Christmas Child is to demonstrate God’s love in a tangible way to children in need around the world. Through this project, Samaritan’s Purse partners with the local church worldwide to share the Good News of Jesus Christ and make disciples of the nations.
All Worth of Love (AWOL)
Berkley started a partnership with AWOL via one of our Life Groups. Individuals in the Life Group were made aware of the ministry and had a burden to support AWOL by providing lunches on a regular basis. Jesus Girls will host events and request a donation for AWOL at various times throughout the year to gather supplies to pack lunches.
All Worthy of Love is a justice focused non-profit that reaches out to men and women enslaved by street-prostitution. Our mission is to restore broken dwellings, based on the teachings of Isaiah 58.
All Worthy of Love is a justice focused non-profit that reaches out to men and women enslaved by street-prostitution. Our mission is to restore broken dwellings, based on the teachings of Isaiah 58.
Join the mission
Please let us know if you would like to be a part of an upcoming trip. In the past we have had local trips for Disaster Recovery with Samaritan's Purse and we have sponsored trips to the Dominica Republic and Honduras.